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Concentrators accelerate the evaporation of a solvent by decreasing the partial vapour pressure just above the surface of the liquid and are a compact solution compared to conventional rotary evaporators. Visit us to see the newly launched Multivap10, a ten position automated parallel system.
For the first time, Inivos will be exhibiting at this year’s Lab Innovations at the NEC Birmingham, 30th and 31st October on stand J22. As providers of bio-decontamination solutions using hydrogen peroxide vapour, Inivos is committed to maintaining contamination free environments that are essential for scientific breakthroughs.
Inivos are global partners for the life science and healthcare industry, serving Pharma, Biotech, Food and Animal Research. Based in the UK, all products are manufactured in ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 certified facilities.
The soon to be released ProXcide Mini will be a central focus on the Inivos stand, offering a new and innovative solution for small chamber decontamination. This portable device brings the proven technology of the larger ProXcide System into a more compact form, delivering log-6 decontamination in smaller spaces like isolators, bio-safety cabinets, and pass-through chambers.
Ian Morren, involved in the ProXcide Mini’s development, remarked: “There’s nothing else like the ProXcide Mini on the market. With the introduction of Annex 1, many companies have been searching for effective decontamination solutions for GMP compliance in smaller areas. The ProXcide Mini fills that gap, and feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.”
In addition to the ProXcide Mini, delegates will be able to explore the full product range including both mobile and fixed decontamination solutions using HPV and UV-C light.
Visit Inivos at Lab Innovations on stand J22 to see ProXcide Mini and find out more about its applications, along with Inivos’ other decontamination solutions.
Organomation, a leading manufacturer of solvent concentrators and other sample preparation solutions, proudly announces the launch of the S-EVAP+, a revolutionary vacuum evaporator designed to enhance efficiency and productivity in laboratories. With its advanced digital features and higher capacity, the S-EVAP+ stands as a smarter alternative to traditional rotary evaporators, enabling researchers to evaporate multiple large volume samples simultaneously with ease.
For years, rotary evaporators have been a staple in labs for solvent removal, but with only being able to dry down one sample at a time, they just aren’t cut out for large production labs who need to prepare multiple samples daily. The S-EVAP+ addresses this challenge head-on. With the capability to evaporate up to 10 large samples at once, the S-EVAP+ not only increases throughput, but also minimizes the need for manual intervention switching out samples.
By combining both heat and vacuum technology, the S-EVAP+ quickly, yet gently evaporates off excess solvent from samples prior to analysis. The vacuum pump works to reduce the pressure inside the sample flask which simultaneously lowers the solvent’s boiling point. This allows the S-EVAP+ to efficiently evaporate off even high-boiling point solvents such as heptane, toluene, and water without sample degradation.
Key Benefits of the S-EVAP+ include:
– Solvent Recovery: Recover up to 97% of starting solvent volume with individual collection glassware.
– Efficiency: Evaporate up to 10 samples at once compared to just 1 with a rotary evaporator.
– Conserves Valuable Bench Space: All samples are arranged in a circle for small footprint.
– Easy Sample Access: The instrument rotates allowing all samples to be accessed from the front.
– Fewer Connections: Just 1 water supply line in and 1 drain line out.
Continue reading here: https://blog.organomation.com/blog/organomation-launches-the-s-evap+-a-new-look-at-vacuum-concentration
When it comes to gas analysis, the choice of equipment can significantly impact both the accuracy and speed of results. Traditionally, laboratories have relied on the trusted “GC with valve-oven” technology, valued for its reliability. Meanwhile, process controllers, driven by the need for speed, often opt for MicroGC systems. But what if you didn’t have to compromise? Enter the new CompactGC 4.0—a hybrid innovation that offers the best of both worlds.
The 19″ CompactGC 4.0 combines the reliability of traditional gas chromatography with the speed and efficiency of MicroGC technology. This state-of-the-art analyser is engineered to deliver fast and reliable results, making it an ideal solution for both laboratory and process environments. Its robust design ensures the highest level of durability, providing the most cost-effective micro GC analysis on the market today.
For those seeking a high-quality gas analyser, the GAS CompactGC 4.0 is an outstanding choice. With over 40 years of experience in developing innovative and customized analysers, GAS has once again pushed the boundaries of technology. The CompactGC 4.0 is available in various configurations to suit both standard GC and Fast GC applications. Capable of analyzing a wide range of samples with incredibly short runtimes, it maintains maximum chromatographic and data integrity—making it a truly revolutionary product. Whether in a controlled laboratory setting or a more challenging environment where critical data is essential, the CompactGC 4.0 delivers unparalleled performance.
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